William M. Jones, D.D.

30. Jones, William M. On the death of Rev. William H. Black in 1872, Elder Jones, his son-in-law, became pastor of Mill Yard Church, and ably served the church in this capacity until his death in 1895, February 22nd. He was born at Fort Ann, Washington Co., N. Y., May 2, 1818. His father, Nathan Jones, was a member of the Baptist Church, and on the last Sunday of January, 1836, William was baptized in the Chenango River. In March, 1838, he preached his first sermon from Matt. 25: 31, 32. In October, 1838, he entered Madison University, Hamilton, N. Y., and on January 12, 184, he was licensed to preach.

He began ministerial work at Mill Creek, Huntington Co., Penn., in June. January 5, 1841, he was ordained at the Mill Creek Baptist Church. In May, 1844, he was appointed, with Elder Bingham, as a missionary to Burmah, but was sent to the island of Hayti in the West Indies, for which he embarked at Boston, January 10, 1845. December 2, 1845, he preached his first sermon in French, from the text, 1 John 1:7.

His first knowledge of the Sabbath came from the fact that an uncle, Joel Jones, then living in Canada, was keeping "Saturday for Sunday." After this the Sabbath was several times brought to his attention, but his doubts were allayed by a Baptist brother who said that "Saturday was the Jewish Sabbath, but Sunday is the Christian Sabbath," and several others of the most plausible statements on the wrong side of the Sabbath question. While attending a missionary meeting in Sansom Street Baptist Church, Philadelphia, in November, 1843, he found some tracts lying on the seats, three of which he picked up and found to be, "The Sabbath Vindicator," "An address to the Baptists by the Seventh-day Baptist General Conference," and "The True Sabbath Embraced and Observed." He was dismayed as he read these, and said to himself:- "Are these things so? If so, then I am involved in the transgression of God's law, and am a Sabbath-breaker." His wife said:- "I think we have no more Scripture for Sunday-keeping than my father has for infant sprinkling." Thus the subject was dropped for awhile.

In 1847 he visited his uncle, Joel Jones, at Clarence, N. Y., and wrote in his diary :- "Saturday, August 21st. This day is kept by my uncle as the Sabbath of the Lord God. Am I wrong in keeping the first day, or not? Is it not a serious question? . . . . I preached for the Seventh-day Baptist Church, and was particularly impressed when the whole congregation sang with much fervor Stennett's hymn :-

"Another six days' work is done,
Another Sabbath is begun," etc., etc.

Two months after this he called on Rev. Eli S. Bailey in Brookfield, N.Y., on a Sabbath evening; and of this visit he writes :- "I inquired for a book on Seventh-day Baptist doctrine and history - one containing a summary of arguments. The Doctor replied, 'Yes, sir, we have a book on these subjects - a very good book we think it is; indeed we know of no better one, and if you haven't one, I shall take great pleasure in presenting you with a copy. It is the Bible, sir.' " This recalled to Mr. Jones the oft repeated Baptist aphorism:- "The Bible is the only rule of faith and practice."

Finally he settled the question, and began keeping the Bible Sabbath on the first Sabbath in July, 1848. This resulted in his recall as a Baptist missionary to the Island of Hayti, from which he sailed August 17, 1850. He was welcomed in New York by Seventh-day Baptist friends, and in the following November he became pastor of the Church at Shiloh, N.J.

March 11, 1854, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saunders, he and his wife sailed for the Holy Land, whither the Church had sent them to found a mission at the ancient Joppa. Here he studied Arabic, Hebrew, Latin, Greek, German and Italian; and was able in March, 1855, to use Arabic in public worship to some extent. His first public service conducted wholly in Arabic was on March, 13, I858. In January, 1859, he conducted part of a service in German.

Being recalled from this mission, he left Jerusalem December 23, 1860, passed through Paris and arrived in London February 22, 1861, where he first met the Rev. William Henry Black, F. S. A., pastor of the Mill Yard Seventh-day Baptist Church. May 6th he arrived in New York, and in October became pastor of the Walworth (Wis.) Seventh-day Baptist Church. In 1863 he became pastor of the Church at Scott, N.Y., and in August, 1868, he removed to Rosenhayn, near Vineland, N. J. He and his family were the first settlers here, built the first house, and cleared a small plot of ground.

On the death of Rev. W.H. Black, April 12, 1872, he was called as pastor of the Mill Yard Church. Reaching London, September 14, 1872, he found only three members belonging to the Church; but during his pastorate twenty-six others were added to the number. He at once began to print and distribute tracts; and issued the first number of the "Sabbath Memorial" in January, 1875. This quarterly he published for fourteen years, and made it a faithful and strong advocate of Sabbath observance.

One of the most unique and important of his many Sabbath publications is his "Chart of the Week" in 160 languages; this he issued in 1887. By this he showed that in over one hundred languages the seventh-day or Saturday was referred to as the Sabbath. Of this Chart, the Christian Leader said, "It is a marvelous production of patient as well as erudite toil, giving a bird's eye view of the language history of the seven days' week from the remotest antiquity to the present time.

In 1882, Sir Walter Besant, in his famous novel, "All Sorts and Conditions of Men," describes Mill Yard Chapel, and refers to Mr. Jones under the title of the Rev. Percival Hermitage. Mr. Besant says :- "As for the position taken by these people, it is perfectly logical, and in fact, impregnable. There is no answer to it."

In June, 1886, Alfred University conferred upon Mr. Jones the honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity. He was Professor of Arabic and Hebrew at the City of London College, Moorfields, for several years, and was a member of many societies - Seamen's Christian Friend Society, London Board of Baptist Ministers, Northwest London Fraternal, Board of the General Baptist Assembly, Society of Biblical Archeology, The Oriental Congress, The Southern Provincial Assembly of Free Churches, etc., etc.

He spent much time in studying the Scriptures in the original languages ; and his advice to students for the ministry was always to learn Hebrew first and then Greek, holding that the New Testament Scriptures should be studied through Hebrew spectacles.

His funeral services were conducted on February 26, by Rev. G. J. Hill of the Seamen's Christian Friend Society, at Abney Park Cemetery. Mr. Hill said, among other things, "I never knew a more consistent follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. I never heard a single word fall from his lips which I might wish had not been uttered, never an uncharitable or unkind word in reference to any one absent, nor the manifestation of any but a Christ-like spirit to those who were present."

Reprinted from "Seventh Day Baptists in Europe and America" Vol 1, pp 80-83, published by the American Sabbath Tract Society, 1910.

Extract from

"A Chart of the Week"

by William M. Jones


Hebrew, Ancient and Modern
First day: o-khad be-shab-bath ("one into the Sabbath")
Seventh day: shabbath ("Sabbath")

Ancient Syriac
First day: khad be-shab-bo ("one into the Sabbath")
Seventh day: shab-ba-tho ("Sabbath")

Chaldee Syriac (Kurdistan and Urumia, Persia)
First day: khad be-shab-ba ("one intothe Sabbath")
Seventh day: shaptu ("Sabbath")

Babylonian (a written language dating back to 3800 B.C.)
First day: makh-ru ("first")
Seventh day: sa-ba-tu ("Sabbath")

Arabic (western Asia, northern and western Africa)
First day: al-a-had ("the one")
Seventh day: as-sabt ("the Sabbath")

Maltese (Malta)
First day: h'add ("one")
Seventh day: is-sibt ("the Sabbath")

Ethiopic (Abyssinia)
First day: e-hud ("one")
Seventh day: san-bat ("Sabbath")

(Used by the descendants of Noah's son Ham)

Coptic (Egypt, a dead language for 300 years)
First day: pi-ehoou emmah a ouai ("the first day")
Seventh day: pi sabbaton ("the Sabbath")

Tamashek (Atlas mountains,Africa)
First day: a-hai i-yen ("first day")
Seventh day: a-hal es-sabt ("the Sabbath")

Kabyle (North Atrica, Ancient Numidan)
First day: ghas al-a-had ("day the one)
Seventh day: ghas assebt ("the Sabbath day")

Hausa (Central Africa)
First day: lahade ("the one, or first")
Seventh day: assebatu ("the Sabbath)

(Used by the descendants of Noah's sons Japheth)

Hindustani (Muhammadan and Hindu, India)
First day: yek-shamba ("one to the Sabbath")
Seventh day: shamba ("Sabbath")

Pasto (Afghanistan)
First day: yek-shamba ("one to the Sabbath")
Seventh day: shamba ("Sabbath")

Pahlivi (ancient Persian)
First day: mittira ("sun")
Seventh day: shambid ("pleasantest day of the week")

Persian (Persia)
First day: yek-shambi ("one to the Sabbath")
Seventh day: shambah ("Sabbath")

Armenian (Arinenia)
First day: mia shapti ("one to the Sabbath")
Seventh day: shapat ("Sabbath")

Kurdish (Kurdistan)
First day: yek-shamba ("one to the Sabbath")
Seventh day: shamba ("Sabbath")

Brdhuiky (Beluchistan)
First day: yek-shambe ("one to the Sabbath")
Seventh day: shembe ("Sabbath")


Georgian (Caucasus)
First day: kvira ("lordly")
Seventh day: shabati ("Sabbath")

Suanian (Caucasus)
First day: moushladh'h ("day one")
Seventh day: sammtyn ("Sabbath")

Ingoush (Caucasus)
First day: kyrynda ("lordly")
Seventh day: shatt ("Sabbath")

Malayan (Malaya, Sumatra)
First day: hari ahad ("day one")
Seventh day: hari sabtu ("day Sabbath")

Javanese (Java)
First day: dina ahad ("day one")
Seventh day: saptoe or saptu ("Sabbath")

Dayak (Borneo)
First day: andau ahat ("day one")
Seventh day: sabtu ("Sabbath")

Makassar (southern Celebes and Salayer islands)
First day: aha ("one")
Seventh day: sattu ("Sabbath")

Malagassy (Madagascar)
First day: alahady ("the one")
Seventh day: alsabotsy ("the Sabbath")

Swahili (east equatorial Africa)
First day: al-ahad ("the one")
Seventh day: as-sabt ("the Sabbath")

Mandingo (west Africa, south of Senegal)
First day: allahaddo ("the one")
Seventh day: sibiti ("the Sabbath")

Teda (central Africa)
First day: lahadu ("the one")
Seventh day: essebdu ("the Sabbath")

Bornu (central Africa)
First day: lade ("the one")
Seventh day: sibda ("Sabbath")

Fulfulde (central Africa)
First day: lahade ("the one")
Seventh day: assebdu ("the Sabbath")

Logone (central Africa)
First day: sel-lade ("the one")
Seventh day: se-sibde ("the Sabbath")

Bagrimma (central Africa)
First day: lahadi ("the one")
Seventh day: sibbedi

Maba (central Africa)
First day: ahad ("one")
Seventh day: sab ("Sabbath")

Permian (Russian)
First day: vovzem, kresene
Seventh day: subota ("Sabbath")

Votiak (Russian)
First day: zuc-arna, arna-nunal
Seventh day: subbota ("Sabbath")


Arabic (very old names)
First day: au-had ("business day")
Seventh day: shi-yar ("chief or rejoicing day")

Osmanlian (Turkey)
First day: bazaar-guni ("market day")
Seventh day: yom-es-sabt ("day of the Sabbath")

Kazani-Tartar (east Russia)
First day- atna kone ("market day")
Seventh day- subbota ("Sabbath")

Circassian (Circissia)
First day: mouy-isht-kha-maf ("market day")
Seventh day: mafizaka ("morrow after assembly")


Orma (south of Abyssiania)
First day: gifti ("lady," "Virgin Mary day")
Seventh day: zam-ba-da ("Sabbath")

Congo (west equatorial Africa)
First day: sumingo (Domingo)
Second day: ("second market day")
Seventh day: sabbado or Kiansbula ("Sabbath")

Wolof (Senegambia, west Africa)
First day: dibar (Diamanche)
Seventh day: alere-asser ("last day Sabbath")

Norman French (l0th and 11th centuries)
First day: diemane
Seventh day: sabbedi ("Sabbath day")

D'oc. French (ancient and modern)
First day: dimenche ("day dominical")
Seventh day: dissata ("day Sabbath")

Ecclesiastical Roman
First day: dominica
Seventh day: sabbatum ("Sabbath")

Latin (Italy)
First day: dies solis, dies dominicus ("day of the sun," "day of the Lord")
Seventh day: sabbatum ("Sabbath")

Italian (Italy)
First day: demenica
Seventh day: sabato, sabbato ("Sabbath")

Spanish (Spain)
First day: domingo
Seventh day: sabado ("Sabbath")

Portugese (Portugal)
First day: domingo
Seventh day: sabbado ("Sabbath")

French (France)
First day: diamanche ("day dominical")
Seventh day: samedi ("Sabbath day")

Roman (Sapin, Catalonia)
First day: diumenge
Seventh day: dissapte ("day Sabbath")

Table of Languages – by David Hill


Name for the Sabbath Day 




Sunday - Sőndag 



Sunday - Sunnuntai 



derived from Sabbath 



 Sunday -Sőndag 



Wed- Quarta-feira (4th day of Week)
Thurs- Quinta-feira (5th day of week)
Fri- Sexta-feira (6th day of week) 



derived from Sabbath 



Sunday - Sňndag